The Euro zone chiefs met yesterday and confirmed another reduction in the Euro-bore interest rate. They have now lowered it from 4.5% in September to now just 2%. This reduction comes at a time when all countries are hitting recession. The USA are now experiencing 0% interest, something that I thought I would never see, from such a huge country once brimming with wealth. How the mighty have fallen, maybe the hand of God has taken a firm role, and tore down the fat cats pedestals, or maybe its just the work of crooks in bankers suits. We will never know, but what we are interested in, is how can we benefit from this economical downturn?
Well many would say we can't, put your money under your bed, and sleep on it every night. Your can't make interest on it anyway, so why should we give it to the banks to help pay Peter, and Paul. Others would say spend it, and enjoy it why you have it! But the clever investors of the world, embrace times such as recession, to mop up in the well of onlookers. They take there lump sums of cash from the crooked bankers, and begin to invest, extremely aggressively, in good old bricks and mortar. Knowing what they pay today, will be a fraction of what the property will fetch in say 10 years time. This is not for the quick sale fraudsters, their time has passed, and its now time for the challengeable investor to make his mark. When I say aggressive, I do not mean in the speed he will mop up his fortunes, I mean in the aggressive dealing techniques he will use to intimidate his vender, and purchase at the lowest possible price.
Property, will always be property, we will always be human, and always want some form of property to live in. So its a win win situation, they simply take from the worst situated venders financially, and sit on the property portfolio until countries once again bloom.
Tate Properties Tenerife have been sourcing out the venders who need to sell, and are only looking to repay their debts, off loading extremely valuable assets for ridiculous prices. Many people have spread their wings too far, and now the feathers are begriming to fray. Before loosing face, and becoming another statistic of the credit crunch, they are desperate to sell what they have and get the banks off their backs.
"We can source some extremely well located properties, at crazy prices" explains Phil Hornby their MD "It is only for the strength of our connections that we are exclusive to these types of deals, making huge financial gains to any prompt investor"
For further information on Credit Crunch Capitalism, why not contact the people who know!
Tate Properties Tenerife 902 881 061.
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