Friday, December 12, 2008
Interest Rates Cut to 2.5%
of a percentage point to 2.5 per cent.
Prior to the announcement, some analysts were predicting an even bigger cut of
1 per cent.
This latest cut in interest rates by the ECB is the third in as many months, from a high of 4.25 per cent in September.
With fixed rate Tenerife Mortgages, this could be an excellent time for you to make a property in Tenerife yours!
Call us now for more details, and latest Tenerife property.
0034 922 787 717
Happy Christmas From Tate!
Property is now at an all time low, making it a real buyers market, and considering purchasing now, offers excellent opportunities. Our portfolio has some fantastic deals on Tenerife property, and also businesses for sale in Tenerife.
Simply pick up the phone or contact us via email, and we will talk you through the latest deals we have on offer, and explain the huge savings you can make purchasing through Tate Properties Tenerife.
Our experience in the Real Estate industry connects us to many Tenerife property constructors, and dealers, eager to off load some of their assets at rock bottom prices. We have a combined 20 years of experience with businesses in Tenerife, and can help to relocate you and your family into a new home, new business and prosperous new year.
May be you just want to wish the team in Tenerife a very happy Christmas, or thank us for helping you in the past, what ever you need you can be sure of Tate Properties Tenerife.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Economic Crisis Offer´s High Returns!

The economic crisis can be seen by many as a black hole in the worlds financial affairs. But the idea of pulling your money out of a banking system doesn't mean you have to hide it under your bed. Property in Los Cristianos is now a fantastic investment, with many vendors and property gamblers desperate for a sale. This can offer the novice investor a fantastic deal, with a much safer investment than the banks. Some Los Crisitanos property vendors have been holding on to their portfolio in the hope of a bright horizon. But now, with non in sight, are looking to off load much of their assetts at ridiculous prices. Tate Properties based in Los cristianos Tenerife has a valuable reputation for selling property in Los Cristianos fast. Many property investors know of our slaes success rate and have began to offer us some fantastic deals. If you have available cash, and are unsure of where to invest it, then a split between some of our outstanding deals could be a solid finaincial opputuinity. Yes, the markets at present are stagnent like the UK, with much media hype controlling their future. But they still always offer a great return to the long term investor. Some Tenerife property tycoons are ready to off load their assets at ridiculous prices, in order to save at very least their depsits. These gambling tycoons have spread themselves too thinly, in the hope of quick sales! We recently sold a 220´000 euros property for 90´000 euros, allowing the vendor to reclaim his deposit, and not fail the banks. These opportunities are now available, and if you have the investment, are safer in bricks and mortar, than they are in the worlds failing banking systems. Even with the injection of cash offered by the governments, the banks will still fail, and we will see more of them collapse. This is doom and gloom for the rich tycoons, as they watch the stocks and shares loose thousands every day. But for the average saver, wondering where to keep his cash, property investment is still top of the bill! To contact Tate Properties, call their Los Cristianos property Team and ask about the credit crunch property investments they have to offer. 0034 902 881 061
Friday, September 19, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Your First Steps to Relocation
The Canary Islands are only 4 hours from the UK, and offer eternal summers, with low cost living. Fuel is cheap, energy is cheap and rates are low, based on property size and location. The average wage maybe slightly lower, but the reduction in everyday living really does tip the scale. Income tax is lower than the UK at 15%, against the UK 40%, and your social security contributions are paid by your employer. This makes up for the lower wage, and leaves you with much more to spend on living. The Spanish, and Canarian motto's are simply "we work to live, not live to work".
With the location of the islands just off the coast of Morocco the islands are blessed with sunshine 356 days a year. Yes we do experience the rain, around Febuary, when for once in your life you can say your glad to see it. Then from around March to January, the climate stays around 24 degrees, a perfect living climate, according to the UK National Health Institute. Afternoons can be spent lazing around the pleasant beeches, or mixing with the locals experiencing the Canarian traditions. Fiestas are a must for Spanish culture, and living Spain means becoming involved with your village days of rest, streets fill themselves with decorations, and laughter is heard from the young and old. Children play happily, and are not wrapped in cotton wool or imprisoned from the rain.
Relocating is now a simple process, the Islands are part of the EU citizenship, making emigration here a breeze. A visit to the local town hall once your settled will provide you with a temporary residency, this is adequate for your first few months whilst you are building your new lifestyle. The main thing you will need is an NIE number, which is easily obtained from the local police stations. These numbers are your Spanish Identity, and you will need to produce it on many occasions when making purchases on property, cars, or anything that needs are registration certificate. You can get settled before worrying about tax, and treat your first few months as a trial and error situation. Its not so much making the right decisions, as finding the right people to help you. There are many people claiming they know the laws of the land, as they have been residing in the Canary islands for over 20years, problem is it was 20 years ago when they filled any paperwork in for themselves. The best advice is to find established companies, who can offer you the correct advice. If you are purchasing property, you should receive all the help you need from the estate agents. They will take your hand and make the experience of relocation a breeze.
Property in Tenerife, is very reasonable, and you will find you can get alot for your money, especially in the local villages, out of the main towns. We carry an extensive collection of properties for sale, and can also walk you through the whole process from your door in England, to your new life in the Canary islands. We will take all of your essential requirements into consideration when searching for properties in Tenerife, or the Canary islands. If you have family, we will find suitable properties and help enroll your children into local schools. We can recommend translators, banks, lawyers and also put you in direct contact with future employers.
If you have worked in the property industry, you could even explore the option of joining our team.
Relocation to the Canary Islands, is not such a huge move, its only 4 hours away from your family,leaving the options open for family visits every month. If you have close family ties, you may even find, like us, your family decide to make the move with you. Once you have experienced life in Spain, its hard to imagine ever moving back to the UK, and helping the government survive.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Just how easy is Relocation

Relocating to another country, can be a daunting subject, one that many people think is just to difficult to comprehend. And if you have enough negative people around you, will never become an option. The problem we all face when considering relocation is we can be too selfish with our own needs, to consider the prospect of moving countries. But as the UK continues to slow into rescission and has no immediate prospects for the future, relocation becomes a more favorable option.
Its not easy to leave everything and everyone behind you, but we don't have to talk about the other side of the world, when the Canary Islands are a paradise in themselves. They offer so much to so many different genres. Family's can settle in rural accommodation and enjoy a traditional family atmosphere. Young couples can find spectacular work prospect and evenings full of excitement. We have good schools and further education as good as anywhere in the world. Exploring the option of relocation to Tenerife really is something to consider. Although the housing market in the UK is struggling, there are still fantastic opportunities to be had in Tenerife. Properties have also declined in value, but only to sensible prices, as the market two years ago over priced itself. Banks are offering mortgages and is some cases we can find you 100%. The Euribor base rate is still lower than the UK, offering mortgages at a more attractive rate. It dose seem to alot easier to obtain mortgages here too, the banks are a little more flexible, and are not facing the problems you have in the UK.
Property here in Tenerife can range vastly, from studio apartments in the middle of Las Americas for as little as 75'000 pounds, to magnificent villas in the rural countryside. Every taste can be catered for, every person accommodated, and lifestyles can change. Traditions are a huge part of society here, remembering why we are all so happy. Fiestas are held almost every weekend in some part of the island, making every weekend a holiday.
Tate properties are relocation experts, and can offer confidential advice on the whole process. The team can talk you through the relocation to Tenerife, and find some excellent opportunities available with property on the island. Tate Properties are a well connected estate agent, and can even offer you help in finding a new career. If you have been in sales before, you may even end up becoming part of the team.
So in answer to the question, relocation can be as easy as Tate properties, thats all you need to change your life, and begin living your dream.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Living Tenerife!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Locations in Tenerife

Firstly why are we investing, is it for a new home, or a business venture. Buying to let can be a very profitable business with holiday makers arriving to the island all year round. Although we have seen a decrease in UK tourists, the Eastern Europeans are fast discovering the Canaries, and now the number one visitor to the island. This still keeps our buy to let market very favorable, and the opportunity to cash in on their new found wealth a reality. Property rents are still fetching high returns, paying the mortgage, and returning an exceptional investment.
If you are looking to buy a home, and relocate, then your necessitates will be different. Property in Tenerife can widely vary, and you can find a lot more for your money if you venture out into the local Spanish towns and villages, all brimming with culture, lovable people and great family values. The old are found happily congregating on the village corners and church squares, playing dominoes, laughing and chatting in the sun. The attitude of the young, still care and respect the older generation something we see little of in the UK. Locating a property in these charming villages is very attractive for those looking to start a new life.
If you have a family, then you need to consider the local schools, how far are the hospitals, where are the local amenities? All of these points will have a deciding factor when you are seeking your ideal property. Getting them right will save you thousands, getting them wrong could prove expensive.
Tate Properties relocation experts can help you find the right home or investment. Our customer after sales is renowned for the excellent service we provide. We can even help you into a profitable business, and find your dream home within your budget. Relocation to Tenerife doesn’t have to be a stressful experience. With the right team behind you, you can relax and take comfort knowing your life changing decisions are in safe hands.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Where do I Start?
We believe the Canary Islands are one of the best options, they continue to develop and are economically very stable. The seasons are minimal offering all year round summers and maximum property let potential. Property prices are stable, and although the market has slowed down,(as everywhere in the world has) it is still holding its value. Many of the properties in Tenerife have now been valued sensibly, and people in a position to purchase would find some extremely handsome deals available at this present time.
Mortgage rates remain lower than the UK, and 100% can be arranged. Although these types of mortgages can be more difficult to find they are still offered by high market banks, providing you can meet the set requirements. Interest only mortgages are still largely available, allowing you to settle into your new investment, and place it to let or resale. The property market in the Canary Islands can offer good solid investment with great potential growth.
Finding a well established agent, and building a good working relationship is essential and lots can be said by their websites. A good portfolio of property should be held with user friendly search tools to select possible properties. Building a good list of possibilities with the help of the agent should not be a daunting task. This is part of the relationship building you need in order to trust the working agents.
Tate Properties are only to happy to walk you through this whole process. Our professional sales team will invite you into their property portfolio with the right tools in mind. Understanding the client is essential to us, and aiding in their search, essential to our success.
We have developed the perfect property website, and search tools. Below is a useful tutorial video which will get you started on the road to overseas investment and property success.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Tate Properties talk Tenerife

Purchasing property in Tenerife is as straight forward as the UK, providing you find the right Estate Agent, who's established and has the experience you need. It’s pretty much the same process as the UK, give and take a few rules and regulations.
Firstly you need to decide on the reason you are buying, is it for investment? or a straight forward holiday home? Will you want to rent the property out, or keep it solely for yourself? These questions will certainly effect the location, and type of property you buy. Getting the plan right at an early stage and sticking to it, is a must. Do you intend to relocate or have a management company take care of the property for you? If relocation is the answer, then we also need to look at your necessities, like schools for children, local shops, complex or independent. Again, spending a few hours brainstorming will help tremendously, and save both yours and vendors time when viewing.
Once you have a set plan, and are happy with every angle of it, it’s time to begin your search. Finding the right Estate Agent will benefit you, and ensure your time is well spent looking at properties that fit your criteria. I have met many clients who have spent hours even days with agents, and have not been shown one property that ticked their boxes. If this begins to happen to you, my advice is walk away from them, as they are not interested in helping, only getting a sale. Of course, we all want the sale, but Tate Properties see you as a long standing investment. We want you to be happy with our services, and continue to help you with any other ideas you have. Once you have found a comfortable agent, you can then begin your search. Stick to your plan, and don't be swayed. There are lots of properties out there, and with the slowdown of the world’s economies, this is a buyer’s market. Find the properties that suit you, and your criteria, and get some history on them before you view. Knowing how long it’s been on the market etc, can help you with making good genuine offers. I suggest you view between 3-5 properties that suit your criteria, seeing more than this will often confuse you. Forgetting what was good about one and bad about another. If you get the early planning done as suggested, you will be picking exactly what you want, and have nothing more than taste to consider.
One you have chosen the perfect property, take a second viewing, after all we are purchasing a house not a new set of clothes. It’s ok to take a second look and re tick those boxes.
OK. Happy? Then let’s move onto the offer. As we previously stated, find out the history, knock the neibourgh’s door, they may speak or even be English. This is by far the best way to get the correct information and make some serious decisions. Once you’re happy, and you have the right figure in mind, it’s time to make that offer. I'm sure this will get batted about until both parties are happy, and when you are, its time to put the wheels in motion. This is where your Estate Agent becomes most valuable. If they have, like us, a full in house team, they will take care and explain every detail. Tate Properties prides itself on customers care, after sales, and the assistance of relocation. We can make your move or investment a wise one, hassle free and extremely rewarding.