The economic crisis can be seen by many as a black hole in the worlds financial affairs. But the idea of pulling your money out of a banking system doesn't mean you have to hide it under your bed. Property in Los Cristianos is now a fantastic investment, with many vendors and property gamblers desperate for a sale. This can offer the novice investor a fantastic deal, with a much safer investment than the banks. Some Los Crisitanos property vendors have been holding on to their portfolio in the hope of a bright horizon. But now, with non in sight, are looking to off load much of their assetts at ridiculous prices. Tate Properties based in Los cristianos Tenerife has a valuable reputation for selling property in Los Cristianos fast. Many property investors know of our slaes success rate and have began to offer us some fantastic deals. If you have available cash, and are unsure of where to invest it, then a split between some of our outstanding deals could be a solid finaincial opputuinity. Yes, the markets at present are stagnent like the UK, with much media hype controlling their future. But they still always offer a great return to the long term investor. Some Tenerife property tycoons are ready to off load their assets at ridiculous prices, in order to save at very least their depsits. These gambling tycoons have spread themselves too thinly, in the hope of quick sales! We recently sold a 220´000 euros property for 90´000 euros, allowing the vendor to reclaim his deposit, and not fail the banks. These opportunities are now available, and if you have the investment, are safer in bricks and mortar, than they are in the worlds failing banking systems. Even with the injection of cash offered by the governments, the banks will still fail, and we will see more of them collapse. This is doom and gloom for the rich tycoons, as they watch the stocks and shares loose thousands every day. But for the average saver, wondering where to keep his cash, property investment is still top of the bill! To contact Tate Properties, call their Los Cristianos property Team and ask about the credit crunch property investments they have to offer. 0034 902 881 061 info@tate-properties.com